25 research outputs found

    Strontium optical lattice clocks for practical realization of the metre and secondary representation of the second

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    We present a system of two independent strontium optical lattice standards probed with a single shared ultra-narrow laser. The absolute frequency of the clocks can be verified by the use of Er:fiber optical frequency comb with the GPS-disciplined Rb frequency standard. We report hertz-level spectroscopy of the clock line and measurements of frequency stability of the two strontium optical lattice clocks.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Meas. Sci. Technol. The publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at doi:10.1088/0957-0233/26/7/07520

    Fibre-optic delivery of time and frequency to VLBI station

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    The quality of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) radio observations predominantly relies on precise and ultra-stable time and frequency (T&F) standards, usually hydrogen masers (HM), maintained locally at each VLBI station. Here, we present an operational solution in which the VLBI observations are routinely carried out without use of a local HM, but using remote synchronization via a stabilized, long-distance fibre-optic link. The T&F reference signals, traceable to international atomic timescale (TAI), are delivered to the VLBI station from a dedicated timekeeping laboratory. Moreover, we describe a proof-of-concept experiment where the VLBI station is synchronized to a remote strontium optical lattice clock during the observation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, matches the version published in A&A, section Astronomical instrumentatio

    Line shape measurements of rubidium 5S-7S two-photon transition

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    We report the use of a digital lock to measure the line profile and center frequency of rubidium 5S-7S two-photon transitions with a cw laser referenced to an optical frequency comb. The narrow, two-photon transition, 5S-7S (760 nm), insensitive to first-order in a magnetic field, is a promising candidate for frequency reference

    Fast Approximated POD for a Flat Plate Benchmark with a Time Varying Angle of Attack

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    An approximate POD algorithm provides an empirical Galerkin approximation with guaranteed a priori lower bound on the required resolution. The snapshot ensemble is partitioned into several sub-ensembles. Cross correlations between these sub-ensembles are approximated in terms of a far smaller correlation matrix. Computational speedup is nearly linear in the number of partitions, up to a saturation that can be estimated a priori. The algorithm is particularly suitable for analyzing long transient trajectories of high dimensional simulations, but can be applied also for spatial partitioning and parallel processing of very high spatial dimension data. The algorithm is demonstrated using transient data from two simulations. First, a two dimensional simulation of the flow over a flat plate, as it transitions from AOA = 30掳 to a horizontal position and back. Second, a three dimensional simulation of a flat plate with aspect ratio two as it transitions from a horizontal position to AOA = 30掳

    Active Noise Reduction Algorithm Based on NOTCH Filter and Genetic Algorithm

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    Application of active noise reduction (ANR) systems in hearing protectors requires the use of control algorithms to ensure stability of the ANR system and at the same time highly effective active noise reduction. A control algorithm based on NOTCH filters is an example of solutions that meet these criteria. Their disadvantage is operation over a narrow frequency band and a need for prior determination of frequencies to be reduced. This paper presents a solution of the ANR system for hearing protectors which is controlled with the use of modified NOTCH filters with parameters determined by a genetic algorithm. Application of a genetic algorithm allows to change the NOTCH filter reference signal frequency, and thus, adapt the filter to the reduced signal frequency

    An active hearing protector with an external power supply system

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    W artykule przedstawiono opis aktywnego ochronnika s艂uchu przystosowanego do stosowania na stacjonarnych stanowiskach pracy oraz Baz臋 stacjonarnych stanowisk pracy. Konstrukcje aktywnego ochronnika s艂uchu zmodyfikowano wykonuj膮c modu艂 umo偶liwiaj1cy wykorzystanie dost臋pnego 藕r贸d艂a zasilania na stanowisku pracy. Do modu艂u przeniesiono cz臋艣ci element贸w elektronicznych z nausznik贸w aktywnego ochronnika s艂uchu.This paper describes an active hearing protector (adapted to stationary work stations) end a Database of stationary workstations. The active hearing protector has been modified by adding a new module, which has made the use of a current generator at a workstation possible. Some electronic elements have been transferred from the muffs of an active hearing protector to the module

    Internet service of aided prevention against noise and vibration in occupational environment

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    W artykule przedstawiono system wspomagania profilaktyki nara偶enia na ha艂as i drgania mechaniczne w 艣rodowisku pracy oparty na serwisie internetowym umieszczonym pod adresem http://www.serwis.wypadek.pl. W serwisie tym zawarto zestaw poradnik贸w i materia艂贸w informacyjnych profilowanych pod k膮tem dzia艂贸w gospodarki o wysokim ryzyku zawodowym, jak r贸wnie偶 u偶yteczne narz臋dzia, kt贸re mog膮 s艂u偶y膰 jako pomoc w planowaniu dzia艂a艅 profilaktycznych w zak艂adach pracy.This paper presents the internet system for prevention against noise and vibration based on internet service http://serwis.wypadek.pl. It includes a set of manuals and information papers designed for high occupational risk economy sectors as well as other useful tools which can be used to bail out prevention planning processes at workplaces

    Cautionary device in preferential vehicles integrated with active noise reduction system

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    Sygna艂 akustyczny generowany przez pojazd uprzywilejowany musi by膰 dostatecznie g艂o艣ny, aby w warunkach ruchu drogowego by艂 dobrze rozpoznawany przez pozosta艂ych uczestnik贸w ruchu. Wysoki poziom ci艣nienia akustycznego sygna艂u ostrzegawczego powoduje, 偶e dla za艂ogi pojazdu uprzywilejowanego stanowi on uci膮偶liwy i szkodliwy ha艂as. W artykule przedstawiono najwa偶niejsze informacje na temat sygnalizacji akustycznej w pojazdach uprzywilejowanych jak r贸wnie偶 koncepcj臋 ograniczenia niekorzystnego wp艂ywu sygna艂u ostrzegawczego na za艂og臋 pojazdu uprzywilejowanego poprzez zastosowanie system贸w aktywnej redukcji ha艂asu.Acoustic warning signal generated by privileged vehicles should be loud enough to be well recognized in the road traffic. The high pressure level of the warning signal makes it a harmful noise for the crew of the privileged vehicle. This paper presents basic information about acoustic signalization in privileged vehicles as well as a method for limitation of influence of the noise generated by the acoustic warning device on vehicle crew

    Internet assisted prevention against noise and vibration in the working environment

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    W artykule przedstawiono za艂o偶enia systemu wspomagania profilaktyki nara偶enia na ha艂as i drgania mechaniczne w 艣rodowisku pracy, kt贸rego g艂贸wnym elementem b臋dzie serwis internetowy. Uzasadniaj膮c podj臋cie tego zagadnienia, przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotycz膮ce zagro偶e艅 ha艂asem i drganiami mechanicznymi w 艣rodowisku pracy oraz chor贸b zawodowych wynikaj膮cych z nara偶enia na te czynniki. Przedstawione w artykule informacje o zawarto艣ci istniej膮cych ju偶 witryn internetowych dotycz膮cych ha艂asu i drga艅 mechanicznych oraz dane dotycz膮ce wykorzystania przez pracownik贸w zasob贸w Internetu zadecydowa艂y o przyj臋ciu przedstawionej w artykule formy serwisu.The article presents ideas and basic parameters of an Internet system for prevention against noise and vibration. The proposed system is based on a dedicated Internet portal. The concept of the system is based on the results of exposure to noise and vibration and an analysis of occupational diseases. Detailed data about Internet sources of information related to noise and vibration are presented